“Distiller’s Choice 2021” is a distillate of the 2017 harvest, matured for three years in barrels #38 and #39.  
These are spirit, heavy-toasted, French barrels of a capacity of 200 litres, which are used for the first time.
The French barrels used by the Kardasi Distillery are also usually included in the blending process of the “kardasi tsipouro aged” along with American barrels maturing in the family cellar under controlled temperature and humidity conditions.
The content of these barrels has been selected by the distiller and filled into 536 bottles.
The primary floral aromas of the distillate were enriched with the fine aromas of French oak.
The final product is a fine, fatty, buttery distillate with the characteristic aromas of citrus, roasted nuts, spices, dried plum, and a slightly sweet cinnamon aftertaste.
The elegant, luxury case was especially designed for these 536 bottles, since this distillate was launched in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Kardasi Distillery.

Enjoy it!!!

The Aged Kardasis Tsipouro is a fine distillate from black muscat grapes, aged in French and American oak barrels. The distillate remains in the barrels for a period of 18 – 24 months. The residence time depends on the type and the level of burning of the barrel. The ageing process changes the nature of tsipouro, giving it finer aromas, richer taste and a very intense aftertaste.
The final blend constitutes an exceptional distillate, soft and full, which surprises pleasantly.

In it dominate aromas of fresh fruit, vanilla, citrus fruits, as well as of spices, mocha chocolate and a smoky aroma. It can be consumed without water, at a low temperature, in a distillate glass (tulip glass) as a digestif following a good meal. It can also be served in an old-fashioned glass, at a cool temperature, accompanied by spicy nuts or dried fruits (prunes, apricots, figs etc.). It goes best with bitter chocolate with orange filling. It can also be used as a base for imaginative cocktails.

In 1958 our grandfather, Konstantinos Kardasis, planted a vineyard with the Muscat Hamburg variety.
This vineyard is a part of the acreage owned by the family and intended for the vinification and production of our distillates.
In 2019, we decided to vinify and distill separately the low-yield grapes of this vineyard.
Due to the old age and the peculiarity of the place and the soil where the old roots of the muscat are planted, the grapes it produces have special and distinct citrus aromas, in addition to the usual floral aromas of the variety.
We isolate those aromas and highlight them through the special distillation process, which is performed under low-intensity heat, strictly extracting the “heart” of the fraction and interrupting the process at 67% vol.
This results in a distillate of an excellent quality, soft and balanced at its creation, with a strong attitude.
It is diluted and bottled at 43,5% vol, the most suitable point to highlight its aromatic profile.
Its limited production reaches 20.000 bottles per year.
GOLDEN HARVEST is a high-quality white distillate that can be enjoyed plain or can be mixed as a basis for special cocktails in contemporary mixology.

A 100-years-old recipe
In 1919-1920 our grandfathers, Konstantinos and Evangelos, while serving the Greek Army forces, found themselves in Smyrna, for the purpose of participating in the Asia Minor Campaign.
There, Evangelos, met and connected with Greek locals who were involved in the distillation and the use of herbs, seeds and fruits to flavour the distillates.
When he came back to Greece, at the end of his term and after the painful defeat and the terrible destruction of the Minor Asia Greek civilization, he was involved in the cultivation of the family vineyards, the vinification and the distillation.

At some point, he experimented with the use of aromatic seeds and herbs in the distillation process, the seeds which were used by the Greeks of Smyrna. He was excited by the result and he wrote the recipe down.
We decided to activate this “Golden Recipe” inherited from our grandfather and perfect it almost 100 years later in the 100% Ouzo Distillate called “GOLDEN RECIPE”.

The recipe includes 16 different herbs, fruits and seeds (some of which are extremely rare), which give a unique aroma to the distillate and a natural sweetness without the need for added sugar or other sweeteners.

In 2020 we bottle the DRY OUZO GOLDEN RECIPE and dedicate it to our ancestors, as a minimum tribute to their memory, their hard work and the difficult conditions they experienced.

gin kardasi

AEGEAN Dίstίlled Dry Gίn ίs the fίrst Greek Gίn produced by the dίstίllatίon of alcohol of vίne orίgίn.
The alcohol of vίne orίgίn ίs produced ίn Greece. The fruίts and herbs dίstίlled for the purpose of flavourίng thίs Premίum Gίn come from the Aegean coasts.
Junίper from Thasos lsland
Mastίc from Chίos lsland
Rosemary from Crete
Cίtrus fruίts from the Gulf of Argolίs
Basίl (Ocίmum basίlίcum agίorίtίkos)
Fresh spearmίnt and Pelargonίum graveolens from the Sporades …
Dίscover all thίs explosίon of freshness of the aromas, feel ίt both ίn your nose and mouth, and travel to memorίes from the Aegean ίslands and coasts.
Enjoy ίt plaίn, wίth a slίce of lemon or a premίum tonίc ίn a Balloon glass wίth plenty of ίce.

” Respect for my family’s legacy,
Devotion and Love for creation.
Faith and Vision for tomorrow “


Konstantinos Kardasis
