- Since the beginning of the last century, the Kardasis family is involved in wine products. Our ancestors were active in grape cultivation and trade in wine. In 1924 the first pot still was acquired by the family. The distribution of products – wine and tsipouro – in the surrounding areas was carried out using means of transport available at that time. In the years that followed and until the end of the last century, the family increased its vineyards and extended the distribution of its products to other areas, as well.
- The year 1989 constitutes a milestone in the history of tsipouro, since, under relevant legislation, the bottling of tsipouro was about to be allowed thereafter (until that time it was sold in bulk).
- In 1991 the Kardasis Distillery – Wine Making was founded. The first years had been tough, as the consumers were sceptical about the new, standardised product, which deemed to be “industrially produced”.
- Over the years, the consumers began to trust the bottled tsipouro, acknowledging that it is produced by responsible producers and is superior, as regards its quality and taste, to these produced by “anonymous” producers.
- In 2005, the company was equipped with state-of-the-art machinery.
- Since 2006, the company applies the Food Safety Management System System ISO 22000:2005, ISO/TS 22002-1-2009 and FSSC 22000, certified by TUV HELLAS.
In its 30 years of operation, the company has successfully taken part in fairs and international competitions, having won awards (gold medals) for the exemplary quality of its products. - The Kardasis products are available in selected stores and in some supermarket chains. In recent years, apart from the Greek market, our products are distributed in Canada, USA, Brazil, China, Israel, Cyprus, England, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, France, Spain, as well, enjoying success and acceptance.
- The modern distillation methods, our expertise, longstanding experience and devotion, as well as the excellent raw materials and the quality control at all stages of production and bottling processes have contributed in order for the Kardasis products to be superior to others, as regards their quality and taste, and to have found their place among branded products.
“Respect for my family’s legacy,
Devotion and Love for creation.
Faith and Vision for tomorrow”
Konstantinos Kardasis